There was one thing about Christmas that I really never looked forward to; untangling the damn Xmas tree lights! When the lights came out, the expletives started flying!If you have that gift, and actually enjoy untangling Xmas lights, the Huffington Post tells us that Tesco supermarkets has the perfect job for you. They posted an ad on their website looking for an "enthusiastic" person to detangle Xmas lights for needy customers during the holiday season. Check out the video because grammy needs some help!

Tesco also added that individuals who apply, must be 'passionate about Christmas' and are "able to untangle 3 meters of lights in under 3 minutes." It's about time someone in the retail business understands that untangling these Xmas lights are a bitch!

If you're interested in the job, it could be a bit too far to drive or fly because this is a job offering in Wreckam in the UK. Sorry, should have mentioned that first. My bad.


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