The ratings are out for the best high school cafeterias in the country. How well or not-so-well do you think your local high school scored?

First, let's check how the schools were ranked. The grade takes into account the average expenses per student along with in depth reviews regarding the quality of the cafeteria food from both students and parents. Keep in mind there are 23,504 schools that were ranked nationwide. Are you really interested in the Top Five in the country? I didn't think so. Let's take a look at New York State school's specifically.

Roslyn High School in Roslyn Heights New York was the only New York state school to crack the Top 100 nationally. How did high schools in Putnam and Dutchess counties rank when it comes to cafeteria food? Not bad considering the 23,000 schools that were ranked.

1. Brewster High - Ranked 4,170 (B)

2. Carmel High - Ranked 6,189 (B-)

3. Haldane Junior/Senior High in Cold Spring, NY - Ranked 901 (A)

4. Mahopac High - Ranked 1,236 (A-)

5. Putnam Valley High - Ranked 3,229 (B+)

Here some rankings for schools in Dutchess County, NY -

1. Arlington High - Ranked - 2,515 (B+)

2. Dover High - Ranked 4,359 (B)

3. John Jay High - Ranked 8,820 (C)

4. Pawling High - Ranked 5,781 (B-)

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