I don't mean to sound all matrix conspiracy theory here, but something did happen with a computer that definitely shows how much technology can and will evolve. There is this test, called a Turing test (named after the guy who invented it) and it basically is a "fool me" test. Computer tries to dupe a human into thinking it actually IS a human and no computer has been able to pass the test....until NOW! (dun dun DUNNNNN). A computer successfully tricked about 3 out of 10 scientists into thinking they were actually chatting with a 13 year old boy. You only need a 30% to pass the Turing test, therefore, the computer won!

You're probably thinking, "what's the big deal here?". Well, there's a lot of things. First off, this is only a glimpse into our technological future. If a computer can trick people into thinking it's a human then imagine what a computer could trick us into thinking or doing in about 75, 100 years. Second off, this opens up a lot of concerns about cyber crime. There's a certain trust humans have when they're surfing the internet and buying stuff online. Imagine how many people can swipe up credit card information if all they had to do was use a super awesome computer that could trick humans into giving away certain information.  LOTS of things can happen. Good and bad.

So the big question here is: are you going to choose the blue pill or the red pill?

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