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Happy April 1st, or as some people say, Happy April Fools Day!  This is the one day of the year where you can get away with pranking someone about a pretty serious topic, where you normally never would. Especially in the office or in the workplace, have you played any pranks yet today?

The origin of April Fools Day dates all the way back to 1700 in England, where the natives began popularizing the tradition of pranking family and friends.

One of the most famous pranks played in London back in 1857 consisted of making citizens believe they had to meet at the Tower of London to 'see the lions washed'. April of 1926 also brought the famous prank of the debut of the three level, triple decker bus, which never happened.

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Drew Carey and Craig Furguson have switched places before, trading jobs as hosts of the Late Late Show and The Price is Right.

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Looking for some good pranks around the office today?  Try this:

1. Unplug your co-workers mouse at their computer while they're away

2. Slightly unplug your co-workers phone cord just enough so they can't see the disconnection, then as soon as they get a phone call, BAM!

3. Put paper on the bottom of a computer mouse, so it won't work correctly

4. Put a sign on the copy machine, saying that the repair man stopped by, it's now all voice-activated, so you'll see co-workers shouting at the machine for no reason!

5. Take off letters on someone's keyboard, and switch them around

Feel free to have some fun today!

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