Kudos to my Alma Mater Western Connecticut State University for addressing this issue with and for their students.

I'm a huge supporter of anything that makes strides in the area of Mental Health. So often overlooked or ignored, the stress of campus life and the need to excel, can wreak havoc on a person.

Wednesday, September 16, from noon to 3 p.m., WCSU will host the second annual “Fresh Check Day” designed to check in on students’ mental health and wellness.

Western wants their students to know there are people on campus available to help with everything from stress to substance abuse.

"FRESH CHECK DAY" will be held as an expo on the lawn of Fairfield Hall on the university’s Midtown campus.

With a message of increasing awareness of mental health issues and reducing the stigma and misconceptions that often have students shying away from asking for help and guidance.

For more info click on FRESH CHECK DAY.



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