Today is October 30th, which means tonight is All Hallow's Eve a.k.a. Devil's Night. That's what we used to call it when I was little. All the crazy and wild kids would take to the streets and egg and toilet paper people's houses and mailboxes. One  year, we had a kid put a dead bird in my family's mailbox. NOT COOL, TOO FAR! That was really gross and traumatizing, might I add.

My parents knew about Devil's Night and would have me and my brothers on lockdown all night long. Which, now that I think about it, is a good idea since you could get arrested or just have something bad happen while you're running around late at night in the dark.

So I have to ask: do kids still do devil's night? Is it still a "thing"? Are you getting ready to guard your house from kids with T.P. (toilet paper) and eggs and silly string!?

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