I love lobster, and I love beer. However I'm not 100% sure I would love lobster-flavored beer. A brewery in Maine has decided to combine the two.

Over the Summer, the Oxbow Brewing Company in Maine rolled out a limited-edition beer called Saison Dell'Aragosta.  They apparently boiled up some lobsters right in the wort, which is one of the first steps in the brewing process.

I was in Maine on vacation recently and sought out the Oxbow tasting room. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) they had sold out of the lobster beer as soon as a few newspapers and websites had done a story on it.

So, whether it was good or nasty will remain a mystery.

However for the adventurous beer lover, we will have a nice variety of creatively-brewed beers at our America on Tap event Saturday at the Ives Concert Park. Plenty of pumpkin-flavored beers of course, plus honey blueberry, rosemary, apple cinnamon oatmeal and much more.  With over 100 beers to sample, you're sure to find one you like!


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