WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

We love the abandoned for sure. Abandoned, fill-in-the-blank-here, is always a cool thing to check out and this farmhouse and barn is no exception.

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My thanks to J&M Explorations of YouTube for the stunning photos and video. Not sure of the exact location of this particular farmhouse, but it certainly is creepy with lots of rooms to explore that have remained relatively undisturbed for about 30 years. I say 30 years because of a brief look at a "Field and Stream" magazine in the YouTube video and the year was 1994, so 28 years to be exact.

YouTube/J&M Explorations
YouTube/J&M Explorations

The address is not shared in the video and a lot of it looks to be unsafe to be poking around in. Three levels are explored in the house itself and the partially collapsed barn is also three levels and is huge. Watching the YouTube video, you can almost feel what went on in each room from the kitchen to the living room to the bedrooms, attic, and basement.

YouTube/J&M Explorations
YouTube/J&M Explorations

The place is nice, and at one time I bet was full of activity and people doing all kinds of stuff from mundane everyday activities to perhaps dismembering bodies and incinerating them. I am totally joking, there is no story linking any type of activity like that to this particular location, but it sure would help this article out a ton.

YouTube/J&M Explorations
YouTube/J&M Explorations

Anyway, join us as we take a look inside this abandoned farmhouse and huge barn located somewhere within the dense trees of a location in rural Connecticut.

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