Soon, they will be a thing of the past

If you've driven across the Tappan Zee Bridge lately, you may have noticed that there are new huge steel structures across the span. reports that these are the new installation points for an all-electronic toll collection system.

I'm an E-Z Pass owner, and I've used it many times all over New England. When I head up to New Hampshire, the roadway toll booth areas that used to be clogged up, are now empty. This new system that is being installed on the Tappan Zee will do the same thing for NY/NJ commuters.

Basically, you're told to drive through, with your E-Z Pass mounted in it's usual place on your windshield. As you drive through the camera zone, a photo is snapped of your license plate. If you're an E-Z Pass owner, your account is charged for the toll. If not, then the bill for the toll is sent to you at home monthly.

According to, this new toll system is just starting to take shape, it should be up and running fully by Spring 2016. So, enjoy those delays now.

Also, something cool that I came across while checking out this story, there are Peregrine Falcon chicks living on the bridge, and they have installed a live camera on their nesting site that you can check out.

You can do that by clicking HERE.

Listen to Large "E-Z Pass" Dave 95.1 FM, online at or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.

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