SMH (Shaking My Head) News is your weekly source for facepalming headlines from Florida and other parts of the country where people are doing stupid things.

In this week’s editions of SMH News:

A naked fell from a second-story balcony on Fairfield Avenue in Bridgeport on Thursday. reports that the circumstances surrounding the incident remain unclear. After falling women then supposedly got up, tried to walk away and then stumbled right into the ground again. There was no report on whether she was injured or not.

Looks like this guy has A LOT of time on his hands. The Huffington Post reports that 21-year-old Tyler Butler tried to blow up his house to prevent the bank from selling his foreclosed home.

Butler was charged with arson and using an explosive device after police learned that he was using a bowling ball as a bomb. The bowling ball was filled with gun powder in the center and a rope for a fuse. People have a method for everything these days.

Please note: If you're going to rob a bank, eat up before! According to The Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 32-year-old Shane Lindsey pledged guilty to robbing a Citizens Bank in downtown New Kensington on Jan. 14. After he robbed the bank, Lindsey stopped to eat biscuits at a nearby restaurant. Witnesses say they saw him run towards a restaurant after his heist, the Huffington Post reports.  Lindsey will spend two to four years in prison, all because he was a little hungry at the time.

When Mark Galin, of Rogersville, Tennessee, heard noises from his neighbors, he called police to report domestic violence. It turns out that domestic abuse wasn't the case with the couple of Johnny Allen Richards and Erin Brooke Lawson.

They were just having sex, according to the Huffington Post.  They responded to Galin's call by physically assaulting him.

Richards took a rake and hit Galin hard enough to snap the handle off, and then proceeded to take the remaining stick and stab him with it. Police say both Richards and Lawson were taken to Hawkin's County Jail and charged with aggravated assault. No word on the status of Galin. Richards and Lawson, combined, have been arrested a total of 76 times since 2001.


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