People are mobbing local groceries stories and gas stations to stock up on supplies for the incoming blizzard, named in the media as "Juno" and as "#Snowtoriousrex by Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton.

Credit: Doug Ghering, Big Y in Bethel on Monday
Credit: Doug Ghering, Big Y in Bethel on Monday

Michelle Missy Nadeau Cole via Facebook: Bj's gas station has been backed up since 8 am and I just passed it again on the way home! Never touched the store did that the other day, when they "thought" it was coming!  Be safe everyone !

Christine Robinson Shannon via Facebook - Was just at Bethel Food on my lunch hour and the store was fine. Probably more people than normal, but not bad at all. And they did still have bread, milk and eggs.
Vicki Shaw via Facebook -  I was at Bethel Big Y last night, it was ridiculous, people with carts of water and whatnot.

Tracie Cabral via Facebook - Cumberland farm on 202 in Torrington is out of gas!

Theresa Gerardi via Facebook - There's nothing left to buy! Pick up some Chinese take out on the way home

Carissa Garcia Salese via Facebook - I couldn't even get into the parking lot at the grocery store! I spent a small fortune on cold cuts at my local deli

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