The homeowner who found a swastika painted on his front door over this past weekend recently found a note attached to that same door.

The note was simple. It said, "Love wins." The note came with a bouquet of flowers that said, "Let's turn hate into love." The Newstimes reported that the owner of the home, Shakor Khan, thought about leaving the swastika visible so people could actually see, "What hate looks like."

According to the article, Steve Ginsberg, the president of the local chapter of the Anti-Defamation League, said there's been an elevated presence of of hate speech in the Danbury area. Ginsberg is concerned that there seems to be a sense of empowerment by the haters who usually stay out of public view. Knowing that anti-semitism, racism, and bigotry will never go away, the goal of the ADL is to make hate crimes socially unacceptable.

Just curious -- if you had a swastika or a racial slur painted on your front door or maybe on the hood of your car, how would you handle it?

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