I've read a few articles recently saying that you don't necessarily need to let your car warm up in the winter.  Long story short, you're wrong!

There's a way of thinking these days stating that newer engines don't need to warm up because of more developed technology.

ABC News states that vehicles in the 1980s and 1990s had carburetors which needed more time to warm up. Newer cars have fuel injection systems and advanced computers that automatically adjust fuel distribution accordingly. Many people these days also use synthetic oil being thinner, hence it warms up quicker.  These are completely true facts.   

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Another similar article from the Poughkeepsie Journal goes on and talk about fuel consumption, and green house gasses, the EPA's standards, and other left-wing nutty talk!  Apparently letting your car warm up releases more green house gasses and it might use more fuel in the long run.  Use more fuel?  Or ruin your engine?  Which is more important?

The FACT is...no matter how advanced your vehicle is, oil becomes cold VERY quickly, and hence needs time to warm up to lubricate your engine's inner workings.  If your engine doesn't have the proper lubrication, it will not only over heat, but develop other problems down the line. Very Basic.

Basically, don't be in a rush!....Wait 4-5 minutes, and drive.

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