We heard this horrible story over the summer on a national level- people leaving their children in their car on a hot summer day, ultimately resulting in the child's death. Very awful situation and it happened here, in our own backyard in Ridgefield. 

Kyle Seitz- allegedly ,accidentally-  left his son in his car during a hot July day this past summer. The temps reached 88 that day and his son suffered and passed away, sadly. An arrest warrant was issued for Mr. Seitz and he has since turned himself in. He will go to court for negligent homicide.

So here is my question: do you think this is fair? I think it is fair. I am not a parent, but I am also very crazy about what I leave in my car. I feel bad leaving my laptop in my car and I always check my front and back seats for stuff when I'm leaving my car. Which makes me think, "How could you possibly forget about your own child in your car!?" Am I insensitive for thinking this? What do you think?

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