It's that time of year again...It's bigger then any holiday, actually it should be a national holiday. It's the return of America's favorite past time....Baseball.

This week marks the return of "The Boys of Summer". After a long brutal, cold winter, spring and summer can't be too far away, cause the Yankees are playing again in the Bronx, the Met's return to Flushing and the Red Sox once again take up residency at Fenway Park. 'Yes, people will come Ray"....

So here's the Top 5 Things We Love about Baseball:

1- There's always a game to watch. It's like a constant every night...nothing good on TV, then let's check out the game. Just like a close friend who you always call and talk to, baseball is there for you all the time all spring and summer.

2- Ball park food. I don't care what it cost's, you'll never have a hot dog or beer that tastes as good as it does at the ball park.

3- Loyal fans. Unlike Football and other sports, baseball fans are local and loyal. Unless their transplants, how many people do you know who live around here and don't route for the Yankees, Met's, or Red Sox. I have never once come across a Seattle Mariner fan within 500 square miles of Connecticut.

4- Easy to Understand. Baseball is simple and everyone in the family can figure it out. Pitch the ball, hit the ball, and run, and try and get home. There's no off sides, blue lines, traveling violations, blitz or half back options.

5- Free Souvenirs. Just bring your glove, hat, or your bare hands and there's a chance you may go home with a game used baseball. It's very rare in any other sport you'll take home a piece of the game. Football has the net to block the extra points, basketball's never get close to anyone except the people in the first few rows, and then the ref is right on you to give it back, and hockey puck sometimes get lifted over the glass, but it's rare.


(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)


I could go on and list about another 25 reasons we love baseball, but instead check out this classic scene from "Field of Dreams"....Yes Ray, they will come" !!!!

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